Questions about machine-ready blanks or services that Dix Metals offers? Below you will find some of the questions more frequently asked by customers. You may also call us at 800-477-4349.
Q: What is Blanchard grinding?
A: Blanchard grinding, also referred to as rotary-disc grinding, is utilized when the part is too large for double-disc grinding or when a substantial amount of material has to be removed one surface at a time.
Q: What is Double-Disc grinding?
A: Double-Disc grinders use two opposed abrasive disc wheels, mounted on horizontal spindles, to efficiently remove stock and meet tolerance requirements on two opposite and parallel sides of a material blank. The thinner and the larger the metal blank, the greater need for Double-Disc grinding.
Q: What is Duplex Milling / Twin Milling?
A: Duplex mills utilize two opposed shell mills, mounted on horizontal spindles, to efficiently remove stock to meet exacting geometric and dimensional tolerances. The process best suits applications requiring flat, square and parallel tolerances up to six sides.
Q: I can face mill my raw stock myself; why do I need Dix Metals?
A: Dix Metals has designed and implemented process-specific equipment suited for efficient processing of precision blanks. Eliminating costly prep time. Dix Metals is a full-service materials distributor with extensive processing capabilities.
Q: My operation is on the East Coast. Isn’t the freight cost expensive?
A: Dix Metals has many customers on the East Coast. Due to the amount of freight volume, substantial discounts are provided by freight partners. These discounts are passed on to the customer.
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